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The Fund Management team endeavors to meet the investment objective whilst maintaining a balance between collateralization, liquidity of assets, and return on investments. The Fund Manager shall formulate a capital allocation plan based on various parameters. Investment views/ decisions inter alia may be taken based on the following parameters:


  1. Returns offered relative to alternative investment opportunities:

  2. Liquidity of the security

  3. Prevailing interest rate scenario

  4. Quality of the security/instrument (including the financial health of the issuer)

  5. Maturity profile of the instrument

  6. Credit Rating for the instrument






We have instituted a series of committees to orchestrate and scrutinize our investment strategies:


  1. The Investment Recommendation Committee (IRC): The IRC comprises our Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and CIO. 

  2. The Risk Management Committee (RC): Following the IRC's initial nod, projects are referred to the RC. This committee makes risk evaluation and management decisions. 

  3. The Board-Level Investment Committee (BLIC): The BLIC, a committee of 50% independent directors, comprises the entire VSJ Board. This committee focuses on investments in infrastructure projects, companies, and special-purpose vehicles (SPVs).

  4. Audit Committee(AC): It includes four members, including three independent trustees. This committee's primary purpose is to meticulously review the financial closure and reporting aspects of the VSJ Ventures LTD Asset-Backed Secured MTN.

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