VSJ Ventures LTD presents a capital-assured investment opportunity through its Asset Backed Fixed Income (Multiple) European Exchange Listed Bonds. The Secured ABS Fixed Income Bonds issued by VSJ Ventures LTD are Principal Protected (Rated A-) High Yield Corporate Bonds with an annual coupon of 10.25%
Key Investment Highlights
High Yield 10.25% Per Annum
Asset-Backed Securities (ABS)
Asset Coverage Ratio 1.5X
Systemic Risks covered by Re-insurance ( AM Best A or Better )
Institutional Investment Grade (A- Rating by Egan Jones)
INVESTMENTS in Stable, Income-Generating Assets in North American markets, alongside selectively chosen High-Growth opportunities in BRICS
Listed on 3 European Exchanges.
Electronic Deliverable ( DTCC | CREST | Euroclear | Clearstream )
Potential of High Returns via Equity Participation
ISIN - CH1329443308 | CUSIP - C9672AAA0
Sustainable and Diversified Portfolio with Non-Market Co-Related Risk, ensuring alignment with ESG principles

Paying and Listing Specialist ​
Bond Capital House GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 10
8001 Zurich, Switzerland
At VSJ Ventures LTD, we stand by simple yet esteemed values. We focus on steering clear of speculative financial activities, ensuring our goals are in sync with those of our clients—preserving and progressively enhancing their INVESTMENTS.
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